Angel news — August 2021 recap

Angel Protocol
2 min readSep 14, 2021


Give once, Give forever — an image of the Angel Protocol tagline.

What’s happening in the Angel Protocol world?

Firstly, it’s good to have you read our inaugural newsletter. You’ll get sight of these once a month and we intend that you’ll read something of interest. As for what’s happening with Angel Protocol, it’s been a whirlwind few months since a simple tweet of an idea.

Some say that necessity is the mother of invention. But a wise man once said this.

Well, that idea grew and took on a life of its own. You may have seen the commitment of the Terra ecosystem (see the Terra Charity Alliance below) to the cause, and that has been truly mind-blowing. Every day, we see that commitment grow. So, read on and we look forward to keeping in touch in the future.

Angel Protocol News — the validator

Right at the start of the project, we intended that charities will benefit to the greatest extent. To aid this, we created a validator that enables others to keep the protocol in operation. As of today, we’ve already donated 10% of that income to charities, adding $4000 to the Angel Protocol charity fund, which will be disbursed to charities on the Angel Protocol index once our MVP launches at the end of September.

Read more about the validator and ‘why stake?’

Charity News — Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation

Yellow Boat of Hope group picture

One of the first charities to reach out to us and sign up to benefit is the Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation in the Philippines. Find out more about what they do and how Angel Protocol will be able to help them in the future.

Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation

The Terra Charity Alliance

The Terra blockchain that enables Angel Protocol to support charities, and the Terra community are made up of scores of protocols and initiatives that build applications to benefit everyone, everyone!

From lotteries to NFTs to payment cards and beyond. Usage is key and we are so pleased to have so many commit to sharing a percentage of their revenue with Angel Charities.

Find out more about the Terra Charity Alliance



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